Charity Accounting and Event Management Software
for all registered charities in the United Kingdom.
Like the volunteers below, we help charity organisations achieve their goal of raising money for good causes.
The backbone of any charity is the management of its money, events and volunteers. This is why treasuryApp was founded.

I help
because it feels good...

I'm an event planner
I help
for the connections and community...

I am the treasurer
I volunteer
because its FUN!

I'm a parent who volunteers at events
I volunteer
to give back to the community!

I am the volunteer co-ordinator
I help
to learn new skills.

I am the website developer
Event Planning Module
Key Features:
  1  Create Event and stipulate date, start time location etc.
  2  Manage income and expense by this event in the Accountancy Module.
  3  Automatically publishes event date and ticket links on your website.
  4  Create one or more ticket types to the event.
  5  Manage access to event by QR code ticket scanning.
  6  Tickets selling includes disclaimer and terms and conditions opt in.
  7  Build insights into ticket holder allergens and additional needs.
  8  Control ticket sales with maximum numbers and start sale / cut-off dates.
* ticket sales include a transaction fee.
Accounting (Treasurer) Module
Key Features:
  1  Fully customisable Chart of Accounts.
  2  Free Monthly online training for new treasures and all users.
  3  Download Journal Export with custom selection.
  4  Reconciliation feature
  5  Fully reporting functionality incl. Income, Funding and Financial Summaries.
  6  Period Lock and brought forward balances.
* for more details on the accounting (treasurer) module, please click here.
Volunteer Management
Key Features:
  1  Create event volunteer roles with dates, start time and end time.
  2  Publish volunteer role to website by ticking publish tickbox.
  3  Send confirmation volunteer emails.
  4  Send group custom email to all event volunteers.
  5  View contuneer signup with obvious gap analysis functionality.
  6  Ability to reassign volunteers to alternate roles.
Website Connection Tools (API)
Key Features:
  1  Transactions viewable from your website in realtime with treasuryApp API's.
  2  Gives your charity visibility for all stake holders (such as money raised).
  3  Provides event dates and ticketing links to raise funds.
  4  Provides sign up links for volunteers when volunteers are required for events.
  5  Easy to setup up API guides, for simple connectivity using PHP.
  6  We sell themed web pages to give your chairty web presence if needed.
  7  We sell bespoke web development if required.
* more details on the treasuryApp API are available in the customer login area.
Monthly Fee
£5 per month
We keep our fees low to make our software accessible for all charities.
No contractual obligations, cancel when you want.
Free trial valid for 1 Month
Payment Transaction Fees
Transaction Fee30p
Transaction %5%
Fees Illustration:
Cart Value:£3.00
Transaction Fee:£0.30
Percentage Fee:£0.15
Total treasuryApp fee:£0.45
* fees can be added to ticket sales value, or included in the ticket sale price. treasuryApp use Stripe Inc. as our payment provider.